Jun 17, 2021
RTO mobile park homes can be a powerful way to add coins to your piggy bank.
The trouble is there are a lot of variables that can wreck your deal.
In this episode, Eric Wanck, a fellow mobile home park broker, joins me to share his story about closing a RTO mobile park home in Arrowood.
Here Are The Show...
Jun 17, 2021
Building relationships with your clientele is the most effective way to make more money.
Not only does it help you close the initial deal, but many buyers will come back for more deals — if you treat them properly.
In this episode, Ryan Ramseur shares how building a relationship with his buyer helped him close his...
Jun 17, 2021
Wouldn’t it be nice if buyers chased you around to sell them a deal instead of the other way around?
Well there’s an easy way to do that — and that’s by creating a bond with your buyers and knowing exactly which bells and whistles will them drool.
In this closing cocktail episode, Craig Nielson joins me...