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The Mobile Home Park Broker's Tips & Tricks To Investing

Aug 20, 2021

There’s a big misconception in business that people run companies. People don’t run companies; processes do. 

With the right processes in place, you can double the amount of homes you sell (without worrying that your employees will get burnt out). And the right processes make the entire sales process so easy a child could do it. 

In this episode, Ken Corbin — who has sold more homes at his address than any other address anywhere in the midwestern United States — joins me to reveal his processes and sales tricks that will make your bank account ring. 

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • The “3 P System” that helps you build a team of rock stars that will effortlessly fill empty lots (7:28) 
  • How creating a rock solid process can keep your employees from burning out (even if they’re dealing with irritating tenants all day) (9:46) 
  • Why focusing on creating friendships can help you double the amount of deals you close (11:44) 
  • The “Walmart Pickup Truck Trick” that lets you seep into prospective buyers minds and discover everything you need to know to sell them (12:41) 
  • The plug-and-play “Pre-Approval Formula” that lets prospective buyers know exactly how big of a mobile home they can afford (and makes it easier to sell them one) (14:47) 
  • The overlooked, yet super effective “Staging Strategy” that will help you make $5-$10k more than you otherwise would’ve gotten (17:08) 
  • The rarely talked about reason why dirt-cheap mobile homes sit on the market for months (and the easy way to sell them this week) (21:08) 
  • The “Social Media Secret” that can flood you with new buyers (without breaking the bank) (24:20) 

If you’re interested in learning more about the Community Prices Maximizing System that guarantees you’ll get the highest possible price from your mobile park homes, shoot me an email at or give me a call at 678-932-0200. 

If you’d like Ken’s help in eliminating the growing pains when entering new markets, check out his website at or give him a call at 888-823-4945.