Aug 13, 2022
In this episode of The MHP Broker’s Tips and Tricks podcast,
Maxwell Baker, president of The Mobile Home Park Broker, will
explain the principles of Lifestyle Design and how it creates
better work/life balance. Then he’ll offer eight tips that can help
get you and your company there.
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Maximizer. Use this four-step system to get the highest price
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through The MHP Broker. Guaranteed. Ask Max for details.
Here Are the Show
- Max explains how the lifestyle design concept improved the way
he does business. And it supports his belief that the fundamentals
of business need to be “boring.” That is, the process should be
established and closely followed to avoid unpleasant surprises.
- He discusses how, when he started The MHP Broker in 2009, it
was one of three jobs he held down just to survive. He worked
80-hour workweeks and wracked up credit card debt of nearly
$30,000. He also had an unreliable partner who soon left the
business. (1:46)
- As difficult as it was, it was what he had to do to keep on
going until he could make a success of his company. It’s why people
come from all over the world to the U.S. because it really is
possible to live the American Dream with a whole lot of hard work.
But it wasn’t the life Max wanted to live over the long run.
- Gradually, over time, he came to see how he could gain a better
work/life balance by running his business through lifestyle design.
He lays out eight concepts of lifestyle design, starting with
reading two inspirational and highly recommended books on business:
The 4-Hour Workweek, by Tim Ferriss, and The World is
Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, by the
noted economist Thomas Friedmann. One lesson he learned from the
books was how to work virtually, in collaboration with
professionals with unique talents from all over the world. His
first and most valuable remote collaborator was a woman from the
Philippines who, like Max, regularly turned in 70-hour workweeks.
She worked closely with Max for two years and helped him grow his
company. The MHP Broker now rents office space in Bangalore, India,
and employs a staff of eight there to handle project management,
research, property management, accounting, HR, calendar management
and other responsibilities that don’t require a physical presence.
- The number two tip for achieving better work/life balance and
lifestyle design in work is regular planning. Max and his wife,
Kathryn, hold quarterly and annual meetings. The key is to not just
plan business activities long-range, but to figure out how to
become a better person, as well. (5:21)
- The number three concept is to treat your employees fairly and
better structure your expectations of them. You can do this by
expecting them to specialize in one to three areas. In this way,
they won’t feel lost or intimidated, and you can expect to see
winning results because they’re well trained, comfortable with
their responsibilities and confident that they know what they’re
doing. (6:27)
- The number four tip is to always have training manuals. When
you put policies, procedures and expectations in writing, fewer
mistakes are made. Max’s company currently uses the digital work
management platform Asana in this regard. Everyone knows and can
use the program and the content stored there. (8:00)
- Tip five is to stay flexible and keep your mind open for new
and better ways of doing business. Read, listen and discuss. Don’t
ever think you know it all, no matter how long you’ve been in
business or your position of power. (8:48)
- Tip number six: eat right and stay active. Max and Kathryn hold
walking meetings. And they (usually) try to eat nutritiously. Diet
and exercise add to the “life” aspect of work/like balance.
- The number seven tip to lifestyle design in life and business
is to be good to yourself. Earlier in his career, Max was extremely
hard on himself, and that would cause periodic burnout. He took to
writing in a journal, exercising and even seeing a therapist to
learn how to be less self-critical and improve the quality of his
life. (11:30)
- Max’s last tip is to refrain from always comparing yourself to
the competition and other super-successful people. You’ll always
feel like you suffer in comparison. Work instead on becoming a
better you. That’s more productive and a better way to
live your life. (12:50)
Reach out to Max if you’d like to hear more about lifestyle
design as a better way of running your business and your life. Just
drop Max a line at or give
him a call at 678-932-0200.
Power Quotes on This
“…the fundamentals (of your business) need to
be about as boring as watching a snail cross the road.”
“I think I made $3,500 on my very first deal and
the credit card debt was close to $30,000 even
with the three jobs I had.” (1:46)
“ the beginning, you have to work like a madman to make
it.” (2:55)
“One of my first people that ever worked with me, she was a girl
from the Philippines and man, she was a champion. This poor girl
was working the same hours I was. I was doing like 70 hour weeks…”